Below are links to the various differing requirements by devolved governments within the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland with the addition of Eire for the delivery of background ventilation including links to the current documents.
We must recommend that you use the useful links for each country provided to refer to the countries approved documents which will provide you with the full text of the regulatory requirements and provide full guidance to help you comply. These will over ride any advice we supply here.
We have tried to summarise these approved documents as they relate to the provision of background ventilation by installing trickle ventilation. By it’s very nature our overview heavily uses the wording and some tables and diagrams from these documents and we recognise the copyright of each document including crown copyright.
Fundamentally although there are differing quantitative requirements by each government the requirements for the supply of ventilation they all continue to utilise a performance based strategy. These performance strategies target common pollutant or contaminant levels especially within dwellings. This is becoming increasingly important as new build properties are built ever more thermally efficient and tightly reducing the air infiltration rates through the building fabric. Whilst, refurbishment work fits increasingly efficient products.
In addition compliance in general across these countries use four similar “systems” for ventilation of dwellings from Natural to Mechanical or a combination of these ventilation strategies and these will be summarised in the FAQ’s.
One of the most common questions we get is why is the background ventilation required? Fundamentally, we want to live in a dwelling. We introduce key pollutants even just by breathing so, by designing in a calculated amount we can supply the right amount of ventilation to make a dwelling occupiable.
We will be developing a series of frequently asked questions as this site is developed to assist in market education. If there are question please email myself and I will look to add FAQ’s as needed (
Useful links
Part F has proved divisive in the industry…
Absolutely valid discussion to be had about ventilation
Trickle vents education
is needed
Do they really not
like trickle vents?
Which? backs Certass’
ventilation campaign
Approved Document F, Volume 1:
Dwellings – frequently asked questions
Trustmark supports Certass’
ventilation campaign
Feeling Fresh –
A Ventilation Campaign
What Fensa say about trickle vents
Ventilation in the workplace (HSE) guidance
More information
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