Glazpart Joins BPF

As part of its external affairs strategy, Glazpart has joined the British Plastics Federation (BPF).

With the trading environment adapting to legislative and policy changes made earlier this year, Glazpart felt it essential to have a voice in discussions with the BPF and its member companies in the plastics manufacturing and supply chain to the construction sector.

BPF is the world’s longest established plastics trade association and has more than 450 member companies, representing over 80% of the UK plastics industry by turnover.

On joining the BPF Moulders Group, Dean Bradley, Glazpart Sales Director commented,

Whilst the Moulders Group offers to opportunity to network and understand wider industrial markets, whilst being part of the wider industry discussions impacting the plastics markets.

In addition, to being part of the Moulders Group, Glazpart also intend to have an input to the BPF Windows Group. Dean Bradley explains,

As the regulatory landscape has changed and continues to evolve, we see a clear need to present our concerns to key influencers in the plastics sector. We look forward to taking part in future meetings to discuss the impact of the changes to the Building Regulations, “Approved Document F” regarding ventilation in homes.

The revised “Approved Document F” aims to improve the standards concerning energy efficiency and air quality of a building. The amendments have also been designed to ensure that ventilation is not compromised in the drive to the Government’s net zero targets, which aim to prevent energy loss from residential properties and minimise potential overheating risks.

This uplift in standards is expected to be followed by the planned introduction of the Future Homes Standard in 2025. The standard is set to be the subject of a government consultation in 2023.

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Glazpart Ltd
Wildmere Ind Est
OX16 3JU